So today started off pretty rough. Totally didn't hear my alarm so I missed my morning work out and with that it was hotter than balls in my apartment. Why you ask? Because I'm living it up 19
Th century style with no a/c. I live in a gorgeous mansion that was built in 1908, and has been converted to apartments. I love my apartment... the charm, the character, the history - except no a/c. I know you are probably saying, "stop your
bitchin' and
complainin'!" but I hope all this
sweatin' it out has a good affect!
I managed to get walking in after work. Why I thought it would be a good idea to walk right after I got out of work at 5 p.m. Considering it was 85+ degrees out and I chose to wear gym pants... that was a bad decision. I got in 2.4 miles. Not to shabby, minus almost
getting attacked by a dog.
Whats cookin' for today?Breakfast: I was bad and didn't eat breakfast... I know, I know send me to
Lunch: Subway (6" sweet onion chicken
teriyaki with 2 cheese triangles, lettuce and banana peppers with Sour Cream and Cheddar Baked Lays and a water)
Damage: 560 Calories, 13.5 grams of fat.Snack: string cheese
Dinner: Gordon Fisherman grilled
tilapia fillet (100 Calories, 3 grams of fat), Jolly Green Giant Health Blends Healthy Weight mixed veggies (180 calories, 5 grams of fat),
Kemps single Yogurt Parfait (280 calories, 9 grams of fat)
Damage: 510 calories, 17 grams of fatExercise: 2.4 miles walking outside
Water Consumed: 8 glasses
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