
Friday, April 1, 2011

"Size Friendly"?

Is there such thing as "size friendly?" Well apparently there is. I went to the gym to warm up before kick-boxing last night and on the window were the words "size friendly." Whatever happened to just being "friendly"? I would hope that regardless of my "size" any fitness business/organization/institution would welcome me with open arms (1. I'm paying for it; 2. Word of mouth is the best referral; and 3. That's what they are there for right? To promote healthy living?). At first I didn't think anything of the "size friendly" statement, but now after seeing it every time that I go to the gym, I'm taking a little offense to it. Maybe all sorts of places should just start putting that on their windows, like retail stores would help me to detect and avoid stores where I'm likely to receive dirty looks, or bars where I should be prepared to deal with people who find it funny to put others on blast who are just out to have fun with their friends.

So I decided to do some research on the phrase "size friendly." To my surprise there are many businesses and services that market themselves as being "size friendly." I found everything from Amish furniture, yellow pages, a website promoting the success of curvy women, and doctors. I even found a site that promotes "fat friendly" physicians. When I think of it, there are probably lots of places that market themselves to a particular type of "group." This "size friendly" category is just one of many.

I guess, growing up, I never really noticed differences, nor did I segregate myself, run with a certain crowd, or dress a certain way. However, I'm sure others probably gave me a label. So the question becomes, are we a society that has become too dependent on face value and labels? Has individuality and uniqueness been replaced by conformity and labels? Let's take Susan Boyle for example (I only mention her because my sister, mom and I were talking about her this weekend). Susan Boyle was not heard of until the last couple of years. It took a reality TV show appearance for her to present her great talent and personality. Until that point, people only took her at face value, seeing a frumpy, middle-aged woman who sang in her church choir. Now don't get me wrong, I know it's a two way street. You have to be willing to take a risk and open yourself up to others, and others need to be willing to see and accept you even though you are different from them and unique in your own right.

Being on this healthy lifestyle journey has really opened my eyes (and ears) to the overwhelming response to the nation's obsession with obesity, and how desensitized society has become to various topics of discussion. As a nation, do you think we have become desensitized?

I will leave you with this quote I found...
“When you're a beautiful person on the inside, there is nothing in the world that can change that about you. Jealousy is the result of one's lack of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance. The Lesson: If you can't accept yourself, then certainly no one else will.”

- Sasha Azevedo

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to the Grind

Ahh I missed thee...let me count the ways...

I do love the holidays. A time to catch up, a time to give, a time to eat, drink and be merry, and a time for excuses. I admit it, I did a lot of excusing over the holidays...I can't work out because I have to holiday shop...I can't work out because I have x,y and z party to go to...I can't work out because I'm too tired. I call B.S. on myself. I've come to realize I have to have accountability for my fitness (or sometimes lack there of) actions.

People always ask me how I'm so motivated to do this and how can I motivate them. Well I'd be lying to you if I say motivation is easy, and that I stay motivated 24/7. I have my days, we all do. I have days where all I want to do is go home from work, veg out, put on my PJ's and rock out to some I have days were I'm kicking and screaming all the way to the gym. In all honesty, you have to ask yourself, "Do I really want to get healthy? Do I really want to feel better, mentally, emotionally and physically? Am I ready to put myself and my health first?" If you answered yes to these questions then what are you waiting for, jump on it! You're only going to get out of something what you put in. It's easy to get demotivated especially when you have a bad day or a week. Don't let that get you down...just remember this is a process, and you're the one in control. If I can do this you can do this. It's easy to fall into the ugly pit of temptation, and if you do, pick yourself up, dust your shoulder off, and keep moving forward.

Digging in the Pantry
So today I didn't do as well as I expected:
Breakfast: Some cinnamon thingy they had at work
Lunch: Healthy Choice Chicken noodle soup, cashews, pretzels and diet root beer
Snack: Granola Bar
Dinner: Dewey's side salad and split a Bronx Bomber pizza with friend and 2 glasses of ice tea

I feel into the left over candy at work trap and had two mini snack size candy bars.
Water drank: 84.5 oz

The Workout
Workout was tough. I joined a kickboxing class and it was a little different than usual. They do more partner work than they do bag work. All in all it was a good workout...I'm feeling it today. The class is 50 minutes long and teaches you self defense on top of working core muscle groups. After that I did 35 minutes on the elliptical. Crazy...I think so.

What are some of your healthy new years goals?