O.M.G. I have so much to do and such little time to do it in. I think I basically live off of stress, adrenaline and procrastination. It's not like I put things off to the last minute it's that the last minute creeps up so fast that procrastination just sets in. I didn't leave work till after 6:30 tonight, came home ate waffles for dinner, caught up on some reading and then headed out walking at 7:45 till 9:00. Made a few phone calls, responded to some emails and had to get my reality fashion fix with The Rachel Zoe Project, which by the way was bananas. Now I'm making a list of all sorts of projects I need to get together. To boot, I haven't finalize my mini portfolio and that is still in limbo. UGH! The life of a designer.
Today, I worked it. I got up 10 minutes before I had to be at work, which is 8:30, and had a 9:00 IA meeting. Awesome. I got ready with 5 minutes to spare. Shower, hair done, make-up on, clothes ironed all with in 25 minutes. That's a miracle in my book. I guess it helps living right across the street from your employer.
So the soup de jour today was the following. Don't hate, I didn't really eat very well, and when I mean well I guess I mean how I've been eating. I'm still under calorie consumption for the day, but I really didn't eat balanced meals, which kinda makes me mad since I was doing so well with getting in all sorts of fruits, veggies and proteins.
Breakfast: nada
Snacks: Diet Coke
Lunch: Don Tequila special # 8 (chicken soft taco, rice and small quesadilla with chicken and veggies) Damage: 800 calories, 25 grams of fat (guesstimating)
Dinner: 2 Eggo Nutri-Grain Strawberry filled waffles (130 cal. ea, 3.5 grams of fat ea; total - 260 calories and 7 grams of fat) with light butter spread (50 calories, 5 grams of fat)
Dinner Damage: 310 calories and 10.5 grams of fat
Exercise: 4 miles walked
Water: 4 glasses
Total Damage: 1,210 calories and 35.5 grams of fat
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I Love the Nightlife

This week starts "back to school." I can't believe how fast this academic year has gone, and I can't believe I've lived in Cleveland for a year and a half now. It's amazing how fast time flies any more. How come time could never fly this fast when I was sitting in algebra class or communication law? I only have three weeks left till the 5k. It's time to get down and dirty just like Mose days. I have to get focused the next three weeks, and HAVE to walk at least twice a day. This past week I've been not so good about walking twice a day, so the next three I have to get my game face on and my laces tight!
Friday, August 21, 2009
I'm Ready for My Close Up Mr. Deville

The one thing I've learned this year is my ability to push my endurance. Just when I think I've had enough, I haven't, in some sick and twisted way. My problem is I set the bar higher than I can reach, but some way, some how I always end up reaching it; maybe with a little help from a step ladder every now and then. I got to thinking over this past week, is there ever a point where enough is enough? I've had plenty of occasions where enough is enough, but somehow it just keeps piling on. What is that? Do I have a sign that says, "I'm tough, keep it coming," or "NO, that isn't in my vocabulary!," or "Go ahead, just don't leave foot prints on me." I think I've gotten better in becoming more asserting in all aspects of life. I never realized what I was made of until I was put in situations where I had to "Make it Work!," Tim Gunn style (minus the Macy's accessory wall and the chance to win a $100,000 dollars toward my own line). I guess that's one of the fun parts of this journey called life, no matter what road you end up taking, there is always a detour, fork or cal-de-sac of changes awaiting - all you have to do is decide which way you want to go.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Regulators... MOUNT UP!

I'm like already at that point with my walking that I HAVE to do it everyday. It's like I go into zombie Thriller mode at 7:30 p.m. every night with "must walk at least 3.6 miles" (insert blank stare, stiffen appendages, and exit the mansion to W. Washington Street). I'm kinda like Bette Midler in "Ruthless People" when after she gets kidnapped, who decides that to make the best use of being locked up in a posh '80's basement is to work out like a maniac. Except I'm minus the posh '80's basement and I'm not being held for ransom by a shy, wanna-be fashion designer and A/V sales guy. I can dream I suppose...
On with Monday's menu, which was far from exciting I must say. I need to switch it up a bit. I plan on purchasing Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" this week and add that to my walking routine. We'll see if I'm still standing by next week!
Breakfast: 2 Eggo Nutri-Grain Strawberry filled waffles(130 calories ea, 3.5 grams of fat ea; total - 260 calories and 7 grams of fat) with a smear of peanut butter (200 calories and 16 grams of fat) Breakfast Damage: 460 calories and 21 grams of fat
Lunch: Santa Fe Rice and Beans Lean Gourmet meal (310 calories, 8 grams of fat); Yoplait Fat Free Cherry Cobbler yogurt (100 calories); Apple (70 calories); Crystal Light Lemonade (5 Calories)
Lunch Damage: 485 calories and 8 grams of fat
Snack: Fiber One Chocolate and Oats bar (140 calories and 4 grams of fat)
Dinner: 100 calorie (1 gram of fat) Thomas English Muffin with Turkey (50 calories, .5 grams of fat), 2 slices of Pepper Jack cheese (80 calories, 7 grams of fat; total 160 calories 14 grams of fat), 1 serving of Low-Fat Kettle Chips (130 calories, 5 grams of fat), 6 apple slices (30 calories)Dinner Damage: 470 calories, 20.5 grams of fat
Total Damage: 1555 total calories consumed and 53.5 total grams of fat consumed (again a little high today, but the average calorie intake for women looking to lose weight is 1500, fat is 50 grams, so all in all not too bad)
Water consumption: 6 glasses
Exercise: 3.6 miles walked
Monday, August 17, 2009
Shake it don't break it...
Well another weekend has passed us by... why do weekends go so fast? It's like the older you get the fast time goes. I really think there should be 3-day weekends. I would be hella productive in four days. This weekend was pretty laid back, just what the doctor ordered. I watched one of my favorite movies "He's just not that into you" and it gave me some food for thought in this vicious dating world, and how everything comes down to communication. But that's for the next post... I'm going to resurrect my good ole blog about dating.
I did pretty good this weekend except for the s'more I ate on Saturday night at the bonfire, so I guess that was my cheat day, and that's what I decided to cheat on it with. Which, at the bonfire, I saw three shooting stars from the meteor shower. One was really vibrant, like it lit up the sky.
So on with today. Today I don't even think I breathed at work. I was engrossed from the time I walked in to the time I cntrl alt deleted at the end of the day. I think IT is going to have to replace my keyboard I was pounding the keys so hard today! Thank God Apple came up with iPods and iTunes. Nothing like blasting a little Warren G and Nate Dogg to get you through a sluggish afternoon of formatting and converting text into tables.
What was cooking today? I didn't really eat today, nor have much substantial. Kinda bad but I really wasn't hungry. I've been trying to do small meals, but just wasn't feeling it today I suppose. Which is weird because since I've changed my eating habits I have felt fuller with eating the small proportionate meals and healthy proportionate small snacks in between.
Breakfast: 1.5 cups of Honey Bunches of Oats (200 calories and 2 grams of fat)
Snack: Nada
Lunch: Fajita nachos (700 calories and 20 grams of fat... guesstimating, it was just chicken, cheese and onions on tortilla chips; I only ate the topping and a few chips. Didn't even touch the rice or beans)
Snack: Eddy's real fruit bar in Lime (80 calories)
Dinner: 1.5 cups of Honey Bunches of Oats (200 calories and 2 grams of fat)
Water: 6 glasses
Exercise: 5.4 miles walked
I did pretty good this weekend except for the s'more I ate on Saturday night at the bonfire, so I guess that was my cheat day, and that's what I decided to cheat on it with. Which, at the bonfire, I saw three shooting stars from the meteor shower. One was really vibrant, like it lit up the sky.
So on with today. Today I don't even think I breathed at work. I was engrossed from the time I walked in to the time I cntrl alt deleted at the end of the day. I think IT is going to have to replace my keyboard I was pounding the keys so hard today! Thank God Apple came up with iPods and iTunes. Nothing like blasting a little Warren G and Nate Dogg to get you through a sluggish afternoon of formatting and converting text into tables.
What was cooking today? I didn't really eat today, nor have much substantial. Kinda bad but I really wasn't hungry. I've been trying to do small meals, but just wasn't feeling it today I suppose. Which is weird because since I've changed my eating habits I have felt fuller with eating the small proportionate meals and healthy proportionate small snacks in between.
Breakfast: 1.5 cups of Honey Bunches of Oats (200 calories and 2 grams of fat)
Snack: Nada
Lunch: Fajita nachos (700 calories and 20 grams of fat... guesstimating, it was just chicken, cheese and onions on tortilla chips; I only ate the topping and a few chips. Didn't even touch the rice or beans)
Snack: Eddy's real fruit bar in Lime (80 calories)
Dinner: 1.5 cups of Honey Bunches of Oats (200 calories and 2 grams of fat)
Water: 6 glasses
Exercise: 5.4 miles walked
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Thursday... blows oboes
Well today reallyl blew. Do you ever have those days where you just want to scream obscenities at the top of you lungs... I suffer from cursing tourettes. I'll admit it, I enjoy making up my own curse words like "jackhole" or "ass monkey." I sometimes scratch my head and wonder what kind of kool-aid people are drinking these days. Do people sneak shrooms into the office and pop them throughout the day? REALLY...
So today I totally didn't feel like working out, but I tore up the asphalt again tonight, walking another solid 3.6 miles. Sometimes work is just exhausting that the thought of "working out" even exhausts me more. But I'm glad I did it, no doubt about that. I had no idea when deciding on a profession at the tender age of 16, 17 and 18 years old that this is what I would have to look forward to... being drained, stressed, and sometimes creatively stifled. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do, but sometimes you just hit a road block. I guess if I really did go to meterology school I would hit more than just a road block... I'd probably hit straight into a F3 tornado or Hurricane whatever name.
Today's menu consisted of:
2 Eggo Nutri-Grain Strawberry filled waffles (130 cal. ea, 3.5 grams of fat ea; total - 260 calories and 7 grams of fat) with light butter spread (50 calories, 5 grams of fat)
2 Eggo Nutri-Grain Strawberry filled waffles (130 cal. ea, 3.5 grams of fat ea; total - 260 calories and 7 grams of fat) with light butter spread (50 calories, 5 grams of fat)
Breakfast Damage: 310 calories and 10.5 grams of fat
Snack: Banana (100 calories)
2 cups of store bought salad (15 calories, 0 grams of fat); 1/4 cup of cheese (110 calories and 9 grams of fat); 1-oz Tyson diced chicken (110 calories and 2.5 grams of fat); 2 tbsp Light Honey Mustard Dressing (70 calories and 4 grams of fat); Salad toppings (1/3 tbsp; 35 calories and 1 gram of fat); Craisins (80 calories and 0 grams of fat); Fat Free chocolate pudding (80 calories)
Lunch Damage: 500 calories and 16.5 grams of fat
Snack: Fiber One Chocolate and Oats bar (140 calories and 4 grams of fat)

Weight Watchers Smart One Lasagna (300 calories and 6 grams of fat); 2 cup side salad (15 calories and 0 grams of fat) with light Italian dressing (45 calories and 4 grams of fat) with cheese (less than a 1/4 cup >110 calories and 9 grams of fat) and salad toppings (35 calories and 1 gram of fat); Crystal Light Lemonade (5 calories)
Weight Watchers Smart One Lasagna (300 calories and 6 grams of fat); 2 cup side salad (15 calories and 0 grams of fat) with light Italian dressing (45 calories and 4 grams of fat) with cheese (less than a 1/4 cup >110 calories and 9 grams of fat) and salad toppings (35 calories and 1 gram of fat); Crystal Light Lemonade (5 calories)
Dinner Damage: 495 calories and 20 grams of fat
Total Damage: 1545 calories and 51 grams of fat (a little high today, but the average calorie intake for women looking to lose weight is 1500, fat is 50 grams, so all in all not too bad considering this is my highest calorie intake for the week)
Water: 5 glasses
Water: 5 glasses
Exercise: walked 3.6 miles
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
One Sweet Giveaway
Daily Candy 100 Day Giveaway
If you don't subscribe to dailycandy.com you should. Tons of sweet deals and steals for the ladies! Check out the link above to see if you can win some cool loot. They are giving away 100 items for 100 days. In a way it's like the lottery... except with designer prizes.
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If you don't subscribe to dailycandy.com you should. Tons of sweet deals and steals for the ladies! Check out the link above to see if you can win some cool loot. They are giving away 100 items for 100 days. In a way it's like the lottery... except with designer prizes.
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Food/Exercise Journal for Tuesday and Wednesday
Breakfast: 1 cup Honey Bunches of Oats (160 calories, 1.5 grams of fat)
Snack: Bananna (100 calories, 0 grams of fat)
Lunch: 100 calorie (1 gram of fat) Thomas English Muffin with Turkey (50 calories, .5 grams of fat), 1 slice of Pepper Jack cheese (80 calories, 7 grams of fat), 1 serving of Low-Fat Kettle Chips (130 calories, 5 grams of fat), 6 apple slices (30 calories)
Lunch Damage: 390 calories, 13.5 grams of fat
Snack: Chocolate and Oats Fiber One bar (140 calories, 4 grams of fat)
Dinner: 1 cup Steamfresh light saused pasta with veggies (260 calories, 8 grams of fat), Tyson diced chicken (1 oz., 110 calories, 2.5 grams of fat); Kemps Straberry Single Serving Yogurt Parfait (160 calories, 1.5 grams of fat)
Dinner Damage: 310 calories, 12 grams of fat
Exercise: walked 3.6 miles
Total damage: 1100 calories, 31 grams of fat
Breakfast: Yoplait Blackberry Harvest Yogurt (170 calories, 3 grams of fat)
Snack: Bananna (100 calories, 0 grams of fat)
Lunch: Don Tiqulia special # 8 (chicken soft taco, rice and small quesodilla with chicken and veggies) Damage: 800 calories, 25 grams of fat (guestimating)
Snack: no afternoon snack
Dinner: 1 cup of Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal (160 calories, 1.5 grams of fat)
Water: 6 glasses
Exercise: walked 3.6 miles
Total Damage: 1230 calories, 30 grams of fat
Breakfast: 1 cup Honey Bunches of Oats (160 calories, 1.5 grams of fat)
Snack: Bananna (100 calories, 0 grams of fat)
Lunch: 100 calorie (1 gram of fat) Thomas English Muffin with Turkey (50 calories, .5 grams of fat), 1 slice of Pepper Jack cheese (80 calories, 7 grams of fat), 1 serving of Low-Fat Kettle Chips (130 calories, 5 grams of fat), 6 apple slices (30 calories)
Lunch Damage: 390 calories, 13.5 grams of fat
Snack: Chocolate and Oats Fiber One bar (140 calories, 4 grams of fat)
Dinner: 1 cup Steamfresh light saused pasta with veggies (260 calories, 8 grams of fat), Tyson diced chicken (1 oz., 110 calories, 2.5 grams of fat); Kemps Straberry Single Serving Yogurt Parfait (160 calories, 1.5 grams of fat)
Dinner Damage: 310 calories, 12 grams of fat
Exercise: walked 3.6 miles
Total damage: 1100 calories, 31 grams of fat
Breakfast: Yoplait Blackberry Harvest Yogurt (170 calories, 3 grams of fat)
Snack: Bananna (100 calories, 0 grams of fat)
Lunch: Don Tiqulia special # 8 (chicken soft taco, rice and small quesodilla with chicken and veggies) Damage: 800 calories, 25 grams of fat (guestimating)
Snack: no afternoon snack
Dinner: 1 cup of Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal (160 calories, 1.5 grams of fat)
Water: 6 glasses
Exercise: walked 3.6 miles
Total Damage: 1230 calories, 30 grams of fat
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tastebud Tuesday

So once a week I'm going to try a new "healthy" product and give it my two cents worth. Drum roll please...
Last night I tried the Kemps Yogurt Parfaits (single serving of vanilla fro yo and granola; 230 cal., 9 grams of fat), and I now have my new fix! It was tangy/citrusy and sweet at the same time, which not only made my taste buds jump for joy, but the texture was so smooth and creamy, not gritty like some fro yo's I've had. They run about $1.50 a pop (at Giant Eagle), which isn't too bad, but I've been reading that many stores run specials on these (10 for $10 kinda deal). Plus it has all that live and active culture stuff in it to keep your digestive track on the up and up... and when you get close to 30 like me, you gotta keep those things in consideration.
Verdict: I give it two thumbs up and a string of pearls. Tantalizes my taste buds, as well as not breaking my pocket book, and gives you the sweet fix that you need, all while keeping your insides rocking'!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Manic Monday
So today started off pretty rough. Totally didn't hear my alarm so I missed my morning work out and with that it was hotter than balls in my apartment. Why you ask? Because I'm living it up 19Th century style with no a/c. I live in a gorgeous mansion that was built in 1908, and has been converted to apartments. I love my apartment... the charm, the character, the history - except no a/c. I know you are probably saying, "stop your bitchin' and complainin'!" but I hope all this sweatin' it out has a good affect!
I managed to get walking in after work. Why I thought it would be a good idea to walk right after I got out of work at 5 p.m. Considering it was 85+ degrees out and I chose to wear gym pants... that was a bad decision. I got in 2.4 miles. Not to shabby, minus almost getting attacked by a dog.
Whats cookin' for today?
Breakfast: I was bad and didn't eat breakfast... I know, I know send me to shakles
Lunch: Subway (6" sweet onion chicken teriyaki with 2 cheese triangles, lettuce and banana peppers with Sour Cream and Cheddar Baked Lays and a water) Damage: 560 Calories, 13.5 grams of fat.
Snack: string cheese
Dinner: Gordon Fisherman grilled tilapia fillet (100 Calories, 3 grams of fat), Jolly Green Giant Health Blends Healthy Weight mixed veggies (180 calories, 5 grams of fat), Kemps single Yogurt Parfait (280 calories, 9 grams of fat) Damage: 510 calories, 17 grams of fat
Exercise: 2.4 miles walking outside
Water Consumed: 8 glasses
I managed to get walking in after work. Why I thought it would be a good idea to walk right after I got out of work at 5 p.m. Considering it was 85+ degrees out and I chose to wear gym pants... that was a bad decision. I got in 2.4 miles. Not to shabby, minus almost getting attacked by a dog.
Whats cookin' for today?
Breakfast: I was bad and didn't eat breakfast... I know, I know send me to shakles

Snack: string cheese

Exercise: 2.4 miles walking outside
Water Consumed: 8 glasses
So the journey begins...
Well last night I had a serious discussion with myself and said no more... no more putting off the "healthy lifestyle change." I've talked about for some time now, and more than ever I'm ready to make it happen. I've made it my goal to lose 100 pounds in 12 months, and while this maybe a little much you think I think it is just the tip of the iceburg. Some would say I'm an over acheiver, and with that I've done it all... Weight Watchers, binge exercising, restrictive dieting... you name it I've done it. I can honestly say I've probably been on a diet since I was in the 4th grade. Awesome right!? Not so much. What 4th grader goes to Weight Watcher weigh ins? Aren't they usually doing something... constructive or destructive? The most weight I've lost is 65 pounds when I was 14 and that was with working out every single day and writing down everything I ate. So that's what I'm going to do. It worked the first time, so lets see what happens this 100th time. Hope you all enjoy "the journey."
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