Five new goals for the month of May. Let's see if I can keep these goals on track...
- Try one new recipe a week - I think this is do-able...Rachel Ray eat your heart out.
- Incorporate more strength training into weekly workouts - I suck at this right now. For some reason I'm cardio driven and lack the need for strength training. I need to incorporate this to boost optimal caloric bad ass burning.
- No purchasing of goldfish or any other chip like product (unless I have company) - I've come to realize that those damn Goldfish crackers and Baked potato chips are a trigger for what I like to call "one more servingitis." Anything chip related is just a bad news bear for me. All I want to do is eat them till they are all gone. No joke, I totally took down the gigantic milk carton of Goldfish crackers my mom bought me...two weeks ago. Not good, not good...and now I know how I gained back those four pounds.
- Eating fruits and veggies twice a day - I'm sure that this is less than what a person should be doing, but I've noticed lately I haven't even been eating enough fruits or veggies a day.
- Start a weight loss support group - I keep reading that it's better if you have a work out buddy or a group of people who are in support of your efforts, and while I have friends and family who root me on, I want to do the same for others.
While at the grocery store...
I will never go grocery shopping on a Sunday again...I barely made it out alive let alone with all my fingers and toes. People are ruthless! I about had a throw down with Grandma Jenkins over some 100 calorie Jell-o Pudding cups. That's right...I will fight a Grandma for some pudding cups...pinkies up bitches!

Also new to the E NERL Pantry is Wheatable Nut Crisps crackers. I have a feeling...that these will be just as addicting as Goldfish crackers. I had some with roasted red pepper hummus the other night...nut crisps take me away!
BETTY'S BUSTY BUDDIES! Walk, Run, Support for a cure!
Update on the Breast Cancer front...many of you know I started this healthy life style change not only for my own general good health, but also to support a very dear cause. For every pound I lost I donate a dollar to the Susan G. Komen Cincinnati foundation. If you are interested in walking, running or supporting this cause please visit.... I would like to give a very special thanks to all my family and friends who have and are supporting this great cause! It means a lot!
Question of the day to my do overcome minor setbacks? Any strategies?
Well, I have officially joined the band wagon. I began the 30 day challenge using EA Active on the Wii...and it kicked my butt yesterday. Today was much better because it was a lot more strength training. Before I signed off my little trainer basically told me to get my ass in gear for tomorrow and not to get used to a slightly easier workout today.
ReplyDeleteI saw what you said about the smoothie mixuture. I almost bought it, but I was looking some ideas up online and tried something similar that costs less.
Use 1 yoplait or some other one serving yogurt of choice and add about a cup of frozen to slightly thawed fruit. Blend it up and enjoy! I made it last weekend for Nick and I and it was really good. No sugar substitute or anything added. It potentially could have used a tablespoon or two of milk as it was slightly thick, but tasty.
I bought two bags of frozen Dole fruit at BJs last week and used it in the smoothie.
Keep it up ENerl...I'm up for some walkin when the weather stays above 60 degrees! Until then walk all over that treadmill and I'll keep talkin' smack to my virtual trainer!