I can't go to bed till I blog about the Biggest Loser... what a premier! First off, Tom and Jillian are beasts and I don't think I've heard the "f" word bleeped so much since a Dr. Dre and Snoop Dog video. If I had them yelling at me daily to shut the **** up and get up the ladder there would be no questions asked! Secondly, I hope everything is
OK with Tracy. That was some scary sh*t. I couldn't imagine (well sort of) if I lost all total body function like she did. Some of these people have the most compelling stories. If this season doesn't kick some people into high gear then I don't know what will. Abby should be a poet or book writer... she has the best lines ever. More than ever this season really hits a nerve with how we as individuals can lose touch with ourselves, and how we sometimes are quick to blame situations or experiences on why we are the way we are. Granted, it's those situations that do help to define us, but it's not what we are. People are so much more than a story and
appearances, and that is one reason why I like this show. It really shows people that if you put your mind, heart and soul into something that you really, really want that it can happen.
Enough of my "making you feel all warm and tingly" inside talk. I'm off to bed. Got to prepare to bust out graphics like I've never busted them out before.
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