Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Is Happiness Overrated? Thoughts?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Busy Is No Excuse

So lately things have been going down the sh*tter. Over the past two weeks I have been occasionally eating sh*tty, have gotten sh*tty news, my horoscope is sh*tty, got a flat tire, sh*t, and got something sh*tty all over one of my favorite shirts. I don't know if you got the memo but this is going to be one sh*tty blog entry ...lol.
So my traveling from Cleveland to Cincinnati has come to an end until Thanksgiving. While I've enjoyed my frequent trips to the southern part of Ohio, I'm glad that I'm not driving that much for a while. Driving just takes it out of you, and when you are doing it alone, there is only so much to talk about with yourself, only so many songs on your iPod to sing, and only so many rest areas you can visit in a four hour time span. The occasional Prime Outlet stop is in order to see what kind of deals the Coach and Gap outlets have, and I have yet to still stop at Grandpa's Cheesebarn, which I may just take some leisure time on the weekend and drive down to Ashland, where the world's friendliest people live, and see it... though I'm convinced that the world's friendliest people don't live in Ashland.
The one thing I've noticed when I make trips to the nasti 'nati is that people tend to meet up for lunch or dinner, and I got to thinking about how often that takes place. Granted, it's easier to work in a meal here and there and catch up with people, but many of my trips to Cincinnati have every meal consumed with getting together with people, catching up, and we part our ways until the next time. Now not that I'm against that because I love fine Cincinnati cuisine, especially when it has anything to do with a three way and/or some Montgomery Inn ribs, but I wonder what it is about food that makes people gather. I plan to ponder more on this question. The trips were so much fun and I'm sad they have come to an end for the time being. I got to catch up with a ton of people!
So after being away for five days it's back to the routine. It rained every single day in Cincy, and then what do you know, I came back to more rain. I love fall but hate it at the same time. I love the fall clothes, shoes, accessories, crisp weather, apple cider, hot chocolate and tea, but hate how most days are cold, rainy and dreary. It just sets you in that Debbie Downer mood. With that comes being unmotivated to work out and get stuff done. BUT I haven't let the somber weather seep in to my bones! Work outs have gotten a little more intense. I now do 20 minutes on the bike, 20-30 minutes on the treadmill, 10 minutes on the elliptical, and then 10-15 minutes of weight machines. Now that I have gotten paid for the month (Woo Hoo!) I'm going to get my copy of the Jillian Michael's 30-day Shred! I'm quite excited about this as I've heard many, many good things about this DVD. I've also been doing water aerobics with my neighbor Andrea, and we've been hitting the gym daily. We are beasts of the east! On Wednesday alone we did 2 hours of activity - 1 hour in the gym and 1 hour of water aerobics... what you got to say about that Jillian Michael's!!!!
Water aerobics is quite the work out. I'm getting my ass served to me on a platter by people who are probably older than my mother. Some of these ladies have been doing this for like 6+ years. They are water warriors! Water aerobics is more physical than people think. You're using body parts and doing exercises you don't think you could do in the water. When you get out of the water you feel like you've enter the Strong Man competition... your arms, legs, shoulders, abs all feel the burn. Next up on the training circuit is Zumba... Thick Chick has highly recommended this and use to be an avid Zumba'er.
So on my quest to skinniness does anyone else have any suggestions on DVD's, classes, work outs, routines, and/or exercises?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The New Kid in Town

Some info on me...I am a 25-year-old gal looking to get into shape and start living a healthier life. Since graduating college a few years back, I have consistently gained weight and now am about 40 pounds overweight. I danced and played sports throughout my childhood, highschool, and even college, keeping me in a healthy weight range and allowing me to eat just about anything I wanted. Well, not anymore, hence here I am, telling you all my lifestory.
I thought I would start my time here on this blog with an article I read this morning. Like Em, I have been feeling really sluggish and tired lately. Studies show that a lack of sleep and being tired can make weight loss harder and some people even experience weight gain - no fun. The article discusses some of the most popular sleep issues and how to deal with them. Hopefully the info here helps some people recognize any sleep issues they may be having and the solution to them, aiding in a better night's rest and thus, a healthier them.
Multivitamins: How to Pick the Right Supplement
Multivitamins: How to Pick the Right Supplement
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Losin' Big

Enough of my "making you feel all warm and tingly" inside talk. I'm off to bed. Got to prepare to bust out graphics like I've never busted them out before.
I Wish The Clock Had A Fast Forward Button

Tonight starts The Biggest Loser, and I can't wait to watch. The only thing that bothers me is I wish this was under normal circumstances (i.e. the people are actually living their own lives...). I would kill to have all day to do nothing but focus on working out like a feen and getting my butt kicked by Bob or Jillian.
Fall shopping is fast approaching and I don't want to buy myself anything new till I've lost 20-30 pounds. My goal this week is to drop 5 lbs. like its my job. That way I can reward myself big time by the end of the month and won't feel bad about adding to my already extensive wardrobe. I already have the items picked out I want to buy... sad I know... I must admit I do have a minor shopping problem with clothing and accessories. Since moving to Cleveland I've given away, no joke, roughly 12 bags of shoes, clothes and accessories. There are some snazzy dressing ladies out there now! I should just open my own second hand shop.
I need to get back on to my crafting soap box. I really enjoy designing jewelry and knitted items. I'm working on some skeleton key necklaces that are all vintage inspired (and use vintage beads, chains, etc.), and am working on the "Emilie Scarf." I have this cream chunky scarf I wear with anything cream I own, and people always ask if I made it, but I didn't, but now I know how to make it! Pictures to come soon!
I'm kinda getting sick of eating the same ol' same ol'. I need to get Emerilized with some BAMmin' recipes. Anyone have any healthy recipes they would like to share that are delicious and nutritious!?
So far today I've indulged in...
Breakfast: Special K protein drink in chocolate (190 calories and 5 grams of fat)
Snack: nada
Lunch: Fajita Nachos with onions, chicken and cheese. Ate most of the topping, and about half the chips with some salsa. Didn't even touch the rice or beans (guesstimating 700 calories and 20 grams of fat)
Snack: Banana (100 calories)
Dinner: nada
Snack: Kemp's individual serving of fro yo strawberry 'n cream parfait
(160 Calories and 1.5 grams of fat)
Water: 6 glasses
Exercise: 3 miles (6152 steps according to the pedometer)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Check out the pictures from the Race for the Cure on my facebook page.
After the race on Saturday, we went out for my friend's 30th birthday. Part two of Break yo'self Dancing took place. I have no idea why I think it is a good idea to drop my entire body as low as I can go. My legs burned the whole day on Sunday, and I'm sure it showed at family breakfast the next morning. At least I got one hell of a work out all day on Saturday. But of course that was followed by a little late night munching on pizza... my splurge for the weekend compliments of the adult beverages.
Today I walked with my neighbor Andrea. We walked about 3 miles all over P-ville and then I came home and did a ton of different arm and leg exercises with my weights. Oh and I only lost 1 lb. this past week. I'm kicking it in super gear this week for sure. Today I didn't eat too terrible, but here we go:
Breakfast: nada, bad I know...
Snack: nada
Lunch: we went to Bravo! for a lunch meeting and I got Pesto Tortellini with Roma tomatoes, onions and sun dried tomatoes with spinach and cheese tortellini in a pesto sauce. Since Bravo! doesn't have any nutritional facts anywhere, I'm going to have to guesstimate this. It was a smaller portion than the dinner portion, so I'm going to guess like 800 calories and 25 grams of fat (I have no idea though)
Dinner: 1/2 cup of Edemame and a California Roll (total, 500 Calories and 10 grams of fat)
Water: 5 glasses
Exercise: walked 3 miles and reps of various arm and leg exercises with 8 lb. weights
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Running in Jeans

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Cute Boys are Like Dove Candies...

- Both can be pretty good looking, smooth, and have nice things to say. It's all in the packaging if you ask me. At least with the Dove promise messages on the inside of the wrapper you won't be waiting for an answer or a telephone call.
- Both are quite enjoyable, until you realize how bad they actually are for your well being.
- Both, in some way, can add baggage to your life. Moderation is the key.
- Both create some sort of chemical release in your body.
- Both can make you feel good and bad at the same time. That's why its good to practice will power.
I'm sure you're wondering if I indulged in some Dove candy... the answer is yes. It was my cheat for the weekend, but I only like 4 over the course of 3 days. I did eat really well though which I'm giving myself props for. I had grilled chicken and veggies one night for dinner and the other night I had two mini-turkey sliders and a salad. Lately I've been notorious for eating like one meal a day, which I'm going to blame on my schedule last week. I didn't go to bed until 2 a.m. practically every night, and was running errands until dusk so that left no time for walking. This week I have to make up my walking for what I missed out on over the past 4 days or so.
Today consisted of:
Breakfast: Yogurt parfait with strawberries and granola
Snack: n/a
Lunch: we went to the donner's for lunch... I'm going to have to guesstimate on this again... I had a half of a quesadilla with sour cream and guac, rice and some chips and salsa (700 calories, 20 grams of fat)
Snack: n/a
Dinner: Veggie burrito bowl with black beans, corn, tomato, and less rice, sour cream, cheese and guac. I have to go grocery shopping so it was this or a 100 calorie pack of Oreos. I'm going to guess that this was mucho calories... and we will leave it at that.
Exercise: walked 2 miles and rode the stationary bike for 5 miles