Anyways, enough shop talk right, lets get down to the nitty gritty. 25 pounds ... I'm still kinda in shock. I hope that when I got home to the nasti 'nati this week before stuffing myself on sweet potato casserole I will have lost another 5 pounds (or maybe even more). I've had a lot of people asking me about my motivation or how I do this day in and day out. Well it's easy, and I'm about to share a secret with all of you ... I do it because I want and need to. Crazy huh? Who would in their right mind would push themselves when their legs are about to collapse when doing a 6% incline on the treadmill for almost 40 minutes, and then proceed to feel like they could puke all over the elliptical after the first 30 minutes. Doesn't that sound like fun!? Well it is for me! I'm making the commitment to myself that being fat is NOT an option anymore.
I was talking to a friend of mine who is about to embark on her own business as a career coach (believe me, she is the best, and I'm not just saying that as a plug for her I mean it!) but she also serves as a 15 year veteran as a weightloss coach for Weight Watchers, and she said something that turned the light bulb on and changed the way I think about a lot of things I want and need to do with my life. She said, that we all have the answer with in ourselves but sometimes we don't know how to get there. It was like Christmas when she said that. You're telling me I spent money on "The Secret" and all along I had the answer!? Pure genius I say. As corny as this is going to sound, it is true ... you can do anything you put your mind to. I don't have any gimmicks, tricks or magic. I eat less and fresh then write it down, work out 1.5 to 2 hours a day, cut out soda and upped the water, cut back on the junk food and allow between 1 to 2 cheats a week. Harmless right? I would be lying if I said I didn't have my days because I do. I have my bad days, but I don't let them get to me because if they do then I become consumed with what I ate and focus on it like a zit on my cheek.
While on this weightloss journey I've rediscovered the girl I use to be ... a motivated, positive, hard working, over-achiever who sees the good in most situations. I can focus on the negative all day, and well to be honest, in the environment and society we live in now that's easy to do because it's in our face like that bite size snicker that sits on our desk, BUT we can choose what to do with it. We can take it for face value and let it get us down, OR take it, run with it, and do something positive in the light of it. New Years is right around the corner folks...
Enough of my yoda smoda talk grasshoppers. I'm back like NKOTB so get ready for some new posts because they are coming at ya like Cleopatra!
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