As the book turns...
As the page turns, I've decided to give this particular literary goodness a hearty go... Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink, Ph.D. It explores the psychological aspects of overeating to explain why we do in fact consume more than we believe we do. I'm game for expanding my cranium and not my waist line. Apparently this book and it's scientific findings have helped pave the way to a "less is more" campaign with the likes of the 100 calorie packs and the use of taller, etched glasses for alcoholic beverages. I sure hope I can channel some patience and make it through this!
Dropping pounds like Vanilla Ice burning MC's like a pound of bacon
On a lighter bite, I've dropped 3 lbs this week so far! Pretty stoked about that considering I took the weekend off from my work out routine and Wednesday I won't be able to work out because I have a photo shoot to attend to and dinner with a friend. I'm hoping by Friday I can drop 2 more for a total of 5 lbs this week. That would rock because next week I'm sure I will gain it all back when "mother nature" turns it's evil head. I wish guys had to put up with all the "womanly" things us ladies have to. The only thing they get to experience is a sympathy belly used to show what it's like to be pregnant, and I'm sure that's not what it's like to be pregnant.
Gonna make ya sweat till ya bleed!
I'm still plowing through a pretty intense workout of 1 hour on the treadmill, 15 on the elliptical, 20 on the bike, rotating weights and 30 day shred every other day. I'm thinking about taking karate kickboxing class. I need to get ready for 5K season. It's definitely nipping at my heels, and I would like to eventually walk a 17 or less minute mile. I'm almost there! I can walk a mile in 17:38. My treadmill routine is pretty grueling I must say, but it's definitely helping with my stamina. I start out with a 2.5% incline at 3.2 mph for 10 minutes, then move to a 6.0% incline at 2.9 mph, then to a 6.0% incline at 3.2 mph for 10 minutes, then back to 6.0% at 2.9 mph for 10 minutes, then back to a 6.0% at 3.2 mph for 5 minutes and finish it off at a 0% incline at 3.4 mph for 15 minutes. Did you follow all that? The only thing missing is lap around the mulberry bush and a mad dash to grandma's house.
Diet Pop Cake experiment
So next week my friend Candy (minus the suga) will be visiting! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! I'm planning on making Diet Pop Cake. Has anyone ever made this before? Word on the streets is it is very tasty, moist, low in fat and calories. If you've ever made this give me the 411. I would love some feedback before Cookin' with Phat Girl burns down the kitchen...and the mansion!