So I've been pretty hardcore this week with my workouts. Monday I was feeling under the weather, and I hurt myself pretty good over the weekend. I was sober, mind you, and I some how still managed to whip out and do the splits while crossing the street. Some might say it's a talent, I call it a tragedy. Why you ask? Well for those who had to witness it, it was probably pretty funny ... hell I was due for a fall ... but bad for me because I totally scraped the shit out of my knee, pulled several muscles in my right leg, and scraped up a great pair of leather flats that I completely adore. Guess that's another tragedy ... oh darn got to spend money on new flats :)
Tuesday I did 40 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of weights, and Wednesday I did 35 minutes of cardio and an hour of water aerobics, which by the way, my stamina is increasing and I'm giving the "mature" ladies in the class a run for money. This week we were introduced to flippers. I've never ever worn flippers, not even as a kid, but they do make you swim faster which is pretty cool; downside is insane cramps in your feet. What I like about the class is that every week we are focusing on a different part of the body and using different things to work those different parts. As a kid I didn't really like swim lessons because I could never get pass the intermediate level at the swim club in Fairfax, Ohio because I couldn't get my damn legs to do the breast stroke kick right. But I will say it's paying off in my water aerobics class. Since the College is on fall break the gym closes at 5 today and tomorrow, so I took it to the streets in the wind, rain and cold and busted out 3.6 miles like the good ol' days of summer. I really pushed myself walking today and made some record time - 47 minutes!
Shameless Product Plug Alert!
So I told my friend, Candy, I would promote some new products she found while grocery shopping. I have yet to try either of these, but she claims they are very tasty! She says that the chocolate syrup can be found in the organic/gluten free section of your grocery store and tastes just like the real thing. She suggests adding it to your milk in the morning for a little something extra. The Fudge Brownie mix is Weight Watchers approved, and you can have a 2" x 2" brownie for 120 calories and 0, that's right 0 fat. Check out their site here. Also, Hungry Girl gives the No Pudge review here for their Ice Cream products and here for the brownies!
So what have I been chewing on lately...
Breakfast: nada (bad I know ... but in my defense I didn't do grocery shopping until tonight)
Snack: took it to the vending machine ... Chex Mix (210 calories, 6 grams of fat)
Lunch: in celebration of fall break we did it up Mexican style at the Donner's. I had a fajita salad, and really didn't eat the rice and beans, but did indulge in chips and salsa (guesstimating on this, 700 calories, 25 grams of fat)
Dinner: Honey Nut Cheerios (I had more than the normal person should probably have, but I was hungry and as you can see I didn't have breakfast or other snacks today, 300 calories and 3 grams of fat)
4 glasses of water, 2 diet cokes
Exercise: 3.6 miles walked and then another 1.5 miles walking around the grocery store
So something I want to ask all my readers, what is your guiltless snack? The one thing I find challenging about dieting or healthy life style changes is becoming creative with food. I always get stuck in a rut with the same old foods. Thoughts? Do share!!!
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