
Monday, August 10, 2009

So the journey begins...

Well last night I had a serious discussion with myself and said no more... no more putting off the "healthy lifestyle change." I've talked about for some time now, and more than ever I'm ready to make it happen. I've made it my goal to lose 100 pounds in 12 months, and while this maybe a little much you think I think it is just the tip of the iceburg. Some would say I'm an over acheiver, and with that I've done it all... Weight Watchers, binge exercising, restrictive dieting... you name it I've done it. I can honestly say I've probably been on a diet since I was in the 4th grade. Awesome right!? Not so much. What 4th grader goes to Weight Watcher weigh ins? Aren't they usually doing something... constructive or destructive? The most weight I've lost is 65 pounds when I was 14 and that was with working out every single day and writing down everything I ate. So that's what I'm going to do. It worked the first time, so lets see what happens this 100th time. Hope you all enjoy "the journey."

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